“As it has happened to many, my first encounter with “Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan” was a life changing event. My heart was touched and my life’s path redirected. ‘What was so unique about this system?’, I thought. Clearly it was the experience...”
ON THE 'KUNDALINI ENERGY' | By Jivan Mukta (2011)
THE TEN DIMENSION OF ONE | Numerology | By Jivan Mukta
"Tanssien kohti tietoisuutta" with Sat Darshan | in "Kunto & Terveys" 5/2012, Finland.
Article "Tanssien kohti tietoisuutta" with Sat Darshan (in "Kunto & Terveys" 5/2012, Finland, p. 24-26).
On Shakti Dance® with Sat Darshan | in English & Russian, 2014.
Clip about Shakti Dance® with Sat Darshan in Russia in 2014. In English & Russian
On "Kundalini Yoga, Jung and Yogi Bhajan" | By Jivan Mukta in "Ananda Lehti", 2010.
Article of Jivan Mukta on "Kundalini Yoga, Jung and Yogi Bhajan" (In Finnish, in "Ananda Lehti", 3/2010, p. 32-33).
"Elqui Valley: A Magic Place in the Andes Mountains" | In Finnish, in Minä Olen Lehti, 2011
Open Lecture by Jivan Mukta | European Yoga Festival | In English with Spanish subtitles | France, 2012
Open Lecture of Jivan Mukta on the modern times and the need for spiritual insight.
At the main stage of the European Yoga Festival (In English with Spanish subtitles, France, 2012).
Entrevista Radial con Jivan Mukta en Gran Canaria | En Español, Mayo 2013.
Entrevista Radial con Jivan Mukta en "Radio Arucas" Gran Canaria, España.
Acerca de Kundalini Yoga, Sanación Mediativa y su proceso personal en el camino espiritual (En Español, Mayo 2013).
On Meditative Healing™ by Kaidi Laur | in "Sensa", Estonia 2015
Article about Meditative Healing™ by Kaidi Laur (In Estonian in "Sensa", Estonia 2015)
4 essential questions to Jivan Mukta about the Kundalini Yoga TeacherTraining (In English, Estonia, 2016)
4 essential questions to Jivan Mukta about the Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training (In English, Estonia 2016).
"Sielua syleilevä Kundaliinijooga" with Sat Darshan (in "Henkimaailma" 5/2004, Finland, p. 12-16).
Article "Sielua syleilevä Kundaliinijooga" with Sat Darshan (in "Henkimaailma" 5/2004, Finland, p. 12-16).
"Shaktitanssi luo siltaa sisällä asuvaan viisauteemme" with Sat Darshan. (In "Sielun Peili", 3/2011, Finland, p. 17-20).
Article "Shaktitanssi luo siltaa sisällä asuvaan viisauteemme" with Sat Darshan. (In "Sielun Peili", 3/2011, Finland, p. 17-20).
Interview with Jivan Mukta on Meditative Healing™for the program "Matrix" in Tallinn TV Channel, made a series of clips on the main aspects of Meditative Healing™. (Estonia in April, 2016).
Interview with Jivan Mukta on Meditative Healing™ for the program "Matrix" in Tallinn TV Channel, made a series of clips on the main aspects of Meditative Healing™. (Estonia in April, 2016).